
Good evening, we are from Poltava

2 700грн


Number of subscribers – 71 356 thousand.

Coverage of 1 advertising publication – 17 396 thousand.


Citation Index – 123.7

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    Good evening, we are from Poltava

    Info: 15 minutes of top during air alert, 30 minutes of top without alert, post stays in channel for 24 hours

    Channel language: UA



    Interesting for you

    Ochoplenleniya 1 advertising publication – the number of visitors who saw the advertisement

    Engagement (ERR) – percentage of active audience of the account (various reactions of users to publications: likes, reposts, comments)

    Citation index – an indicator of the authority of a Telegram channel, calculated on the basis of mentions of the channel, as well as reposts and mentions of publications in other Telegram channels


    Basic Placement Formats:

    1. 15/24 – The post will be visible at the top of the feed for 15 minutes, after which it will move to the shared feed and stay there for 24 hours.
    2. 30/24 – The post will be pinned at the top of the feed for 30 minutes, then moved to the general feed and will be available there for 24 hours.
    3. 1/24 – The post will be in the top for 1 hour and then move to the general feed and will be visible for 24 hours.
    4. 2/48 – The post will be highlighted in the top for 2 hours, after which it will move to the general feed and stay there for 48 hours.
    5. 3/72 – The post will remain at the top of the feed for 3 hours and will also be available in the feed for 72 hours.
    6. No deletion – The post will stay in the top for 20 minutes to 1 hour and will not be removed from the shared feed, remaining there forever.


    About the channel

    Telegram channel “Good evening, we are from Poltava” is a community in Telegram, which unites residents and guests of the city of Poltava in Ukraine;
    The channel is designed to share information, news, events, interesting places and activities happening in the city; In it you can find announcements of events, concerts, exhibitions, sporting events, festivals and other interesting events that take place in Poltava;
    The main goal of the channel is to unite Poltava residents and provide them with access to up-to-date information about the city; Here you can find interesting facts about Poltava, learn about new establishments, stores, institutions, as well as discuss current topics and problems related to city life;
    Telegram channel “Good evening, we are from Poltava” is open for everyone who wants to join and share their ideas, opinions and impressions about the city; Here you can find new friends, discuss issues of interest and get useful recommendations from experienced residents;
    The channel is actively maintained by administrators who keep the information up to date and moderate discussions to ensure a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for all participants;
    If you live in Poltava or plan to visit this city, then subscribing to the Telegram channel “Good evening, we are from Poltava” may be useful for you; Get the latest news, learn about events and share your impressions with other Poltava residents;